Our Curriculum
Early Years
Our aim is to create a happy and stimulating learning environment where your child has opportunities to build on their foundations. The early years are critical in children’s development and we are committed to providing the very best start to your child’s school life.
We provide children with a rich variety of teaching and learning experiences that are appropriate to their needs. The Foundation Stage is about developing key learning skills as well as nurturing and preparing the children for the ever changing world around them.
As part of the EYFS curriculum, the outdoor area will be available to children throughout the year and in all weathers.
During the year your child will be exploring, experimenting and investigating the world around them. We will therefore be using a variety of materials such as paint, sand, water, mud etc. and having lots of fun along the way, which could get messy!
Reading - In EYFS reading consists of two dimensions word reading and comprehension, which are both important. By listening to and discussing stories, rhymes and poems and non-fiction books children develop their early comprehension skills. Word reading involves both the speedy working our of the pronunciation of unfamiliar words and the speedy recognition of familiar words. We encourage children to develop a life long love of reading.
Writing - Children have lots of opportunities to develop their writing skills through focused and continuous provision activities. Developing their fine motor control enabling them to form letters correctly, which then leads to the transition of joining letters.
Phonics - Children are taught using the "Read Write Inc" programme in small groups to ensure they develop at their own pace.
For more details about our Early Years provision, please see our Early Years policy which can be found in School Policies section
Useful Weblinks for Early Years Children
A Parents guide to Phonics - Read, Write Inc.
Educational Games for Early Years Children - don't forget to put Early Years in the Age Group!