Our School
I am delighted to welcome you to West Haddon CE Primary School.
I am proud to be the Headteacher of this very special school which has served the village of West Haddon since 1825. As a church school, we place Christian values at the heart of everything we do and we believe that this is crucial in enabling children to achieve both socially and academically. Parents often comment that their children love to come to school and are enthusiastic about their learning.
Standards of achievement are very high and this was recognised in our OfSTED inspection in May 2016. Our school has an experienced and dedicated staff who continually strive to provide the very best education for each and every child in our school. At present our school is described as a good school with outstanding features and our school regularly appears in the top 10 Northamptonshire Primary School list and the top 250 schools nationally. Subsequently, over the past few years, the school has grown in size although we currently have one or two spaces in most year groups.
I hope you enjoy our website and find it useful. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further help or information.
David Rosevear