Our School
Our Christian Values
Our aim is for all of us to be the best that we can possibly be. For children, this means that the adults in the school will strive to support every individual to attain the very best in terms of educational, personal and social development.
We want children to enjoy school, the feel inspired to learn, to feel safe and to take a full part in the life of the school community. We prepare children for the next stage of their learning by teaching our children Christian values.
These values are reviewed regularly and parents as well as children have an opportunity to help in deciding which values are the most important in our school. Christian values underpin our school ethos. We promote each value in turn; celebrate our learning in a monthly community worship in ‘All Saints’ Church and reward children for upholding the school values in our celebration assemblies. Our values are:
- Friendship
- Forgiveness
- Respect
- Hope
- Happiness
- Honesty
- Compassion
- Thankfulness
Not only do we explicitly teach Christian Values at West Haddon, but we also make links to Faith and Values in Modern Britain in order to prepare our children for everyday life in our country. Please refer to our "British Values Statement" in the sidebar for more details about how we teach and develop these values.