Our School
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, every state school has a Governing Body, consisting of specified numbers of various categories of governors depending on the type and size of school. The governing body at West Haddon Endowed Primary School encompasses a cross-section of unpaid volunteers from the local community and is composed of:
- 3 Parent governors
- 1 LEA governor
- 1 Staff 3 co-opted governors
- 3 Foundation governors
- 1 Head teacher
David Rosevear complements the governing body as an ex officio staff governor – a position to which the take up is optional to all head teachers and David has kindly chosen to fulfill the role.
By law, our governing body meets at least 3 times every year, as a Full Governing Body, where the ongoing business of committees, the governing body and the school are discussed, reported on and where decisions are taken by a majority vote. Most of the work of governors, however, is done at committee level encompassing areas such as Finance, Premises, Performance Management and Standards.
The Governing Body at West Haddon is led by the Chair, Peter Stephens, who has been elected by the Governing Body from within its membership. The Chair is supported in their work by one or more Vice
Chairs or Committee Chairs, who may be delegated certain tasks or responsibilities. Certain tasks, including signing off the school budget, can only be done by the Chair. The process for election of chair and vice-chair and their term of office is laid down in the governing body's standing orders and elected on an annual basis.
Individuals performing a role within the governing body of West Haddon Endowed Primary School are shown below.
Mr Peter Stephens (Chair) | Co-opted |
Safeguarding SEN |
27/06/2016 | 26/06/2028 |
Mr Robert Vaughan (Vice Chair) | Local Authority |
Finance Appraisal PSHE and Science |
24/10/2012 | 23/10/2028 |
Mr Stephen Kerr | Co-Opted |
Standards Premises History & Geography |
13/10/2016 | 14/10/2028 |
Mr David Rosevear | Head | 01/09/2011 | ||
Mr Alistair Robertson | Parent |
Finance Appraisal Art & DT |
01/12/2020 | 30/11/2024 |
Mr David Pautsch | Parent |
Standards Maths MFL |
01/12/2021 | 30/11/2025 |
Rev Kevin Montgomery | Foundation |
Section 48 Computing E Safety |
21/11/2023 | 20/11/2027 |
Mrs Laura Wiggins | Parent |
Standards English |
18/10/23 | 17/10/2027 |
Mrs Sheila Robertson | Foundation | 03/07/2024 | 02/07/2028 | |
Mrs Colette Bowers | Clerk | 01/12/2008 |