"Pupils are proud of their school. They respect their teachers and appreciate that they help them to achieve their best. They feel very safe because they know that adults listen to them and care about them. OFSTED 2020"

Our Curriculum

Special Educational Needs

West Haddon C of E Endowed Primary School is an inclusive school and as such we believe that the best provision for children who have additional needs is quality first teaching. However, should a child need a more focused intervention then they are withdrawn at certain times during the day for extra teaching in relevant areas. 

The school has a dedicated and skilled team of teachers and teaching support staff who work with the children on a range of intervention programmes.  Where necessary we access support from outside agencies such as Educational Psychology or Behaviour Support.

For our School Inclusion Policy, which incorporates our SEND Information Report, please visit our School Policies page.

Should you have any queries about our provision for Special Educational Needs please do not hesitate to contact Ms Pulling, our SENCo on 01788 510318.

SEND At West Haddon Primary School

The new SEND Code of Practice identifies four key areas of SEND:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health
  • Sensory and/or physical

West Haddon Primary School presently caters for children who are identified in one or more of each of the above areas.
These children have children the following needs:

  • Dyslexia
  • Working memory difficulties.
  • Social and Emotional Difficulties
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Visual impairments
  • Speech and language
  • Auditory processing
  • Dyspraxia
  • Moderate Learning Difficulties
  • NF1 Neurofibromatosis 1
  • ADHD

Identification And Assessment Of SEND

The list below shows a number of ways that the school has of identifying if a child has SEND.

  • When Children enter school with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), the EHCP is shared and discussed with teachers, teaching assistants and SENDco and an individual education plan and one page child profile is written to guide the way forward.  
  • Discussions with parents or staff where concerns are expressed which lead to further investigation
  • Data analysis which shows a widening gap between a child and their peer group
  • Scrutiny of behaviour books and discussion with pastoral support assistant to see if a child is continually struggling during with their emotions or concentration

How We Manage Provision For Children With SEND

Evaluation of effectiveness of provision, we undertake careful monitoring of the impact of interventions and support given to SEND pupils at the school. This is the case for all children including pupil premium, Children Looked After (CLA), disadvantaged children and children not making expected progress. The primary provision for SEND children is the same as all the children.

Quality first teaching. The effectiveness of this is judged as part of the normal monitoring cycle for the school.

For those children who receive either group or 1:1 intervention they are monitored separately but in the same way: observations; work scrutiny; data checking and discussions with the children.

Our School Approach To Teaching Children With SEND

The school will endeavour to teach all children together in their classes where possible with the class teacher differentiating and supporting the child. When it is deemed necessary a child with SEND will be withdrawn at specific times for an intervention; either 1:1 or as part of a group. For a few children the school uses outside support and agencies. These children will have their own Individual Education Plan which contains specific targets.

Adaptation Of The Curriculum

The curriculum has been adapted physically for visual impaired children, however the content has not been adapted for any child at the school for this academic year – they are all at a level where they can access the National Curriculum at their own ‘level’. Teachers adapt individual lessons and classroom organisation for children depending on particular needs at the time.

Additional Support Currently Provided

We use a range of intervention programmes with the children which include:

  • Read Write Inc – a phonics based reading programme which is taught 1:1 with any child who has not passed the Year 1 phonics screening.
  • Specific Dyslexic Programmes – these are intensive interventions used to help children who struggle with reading and/or spelling or times tables, to make accelerated progress.
  • Daily reading with a teaching assistant for children who are making less than expected progress.
  • Sentence construction- 30 minutes 1:5 once a week, working on hold a sentence, talk it, write it, read it for those children not making expected progress.
  • Pre and post teach- 30 minutes 1: 1 depending on need, need assessed through weekly tracking.
  • Modified behaviour system, play buddies, time to talk, theraplay and socially speaking- Either 1:1 or group depending on need for 20 minutes once per week.
  • Additional guided read sessions- once a week to address comprehension issues.
  • Memory building activities- 15 minutes daily 1:1 with a teaching assistant.  
  • Writing support- for those children not meaning expected targets. Small group with teacher once per week for 30 minutes.
  • Speech and language support- 1:1 twice a week for 15 minutes working on specific targets.
  • Touch typing programmes
  • Auditory processing support programmes

Improving The Emotional And Social Development Of Children

As detailed above the school uses a range of intervention programmes to aid children’s Emotional and Social development. The role of the Pastoral Support has been developed and there is an allocation in the budget for this role to continue. We currently use the Local Authority’s scheme for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education.


The SENDCo at West Haddon Primary is Harriette Pulling. She can be emailed using hpulling@westhaddon.northants.sch.gov or phoned on 01788510318.

Staff Expertise And Training

The SENDCo completed her Post Graduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination in October 2015. Teachers and support staff have received training in a range of intervention programmes. They also attend in-service training provided by outside agencies when appropriate – for example Jogo behaviour strategies and Team Teach.

Securing Equipment And Services

The school allocates money from its budget every year towards the provision of support for SEND. These funds are used to provide support, resources and training for staff.

Consultation And Involvement Of Parents/Carers

If a child needs to be referred to an outside agency parents will be asked for their permission and views, which form part of the referral process. If a child has an Education and Health Care Plan then the parent will be involved in the review process. EHCPs are formally reviewed annually. Other parents are contacted when concerns arise and a discussion is held as to what provision the school will be making. When a child has an Individual Education Plan the parents/carers are part of the consultation review process. When a child is a Child Looked After the parents/carers will be involved in PEP meetings.

Consulting And Involving Children

The children are constantly involved in discussion whilst their intervention programmes are happening. For children with an Individual Education Plan their views are sort during the writing and review parts. Interviewing children to gain their views is part of the school’s normal monitoring cycle.  Since the introduction of the new SEND code (April 2015) the pupil’s voice is central and one page profile’s, where children’s views, feelings and aspirations are recorded following discussion with the child, are being introduced.


The school’s complaints policy is available on the website http://www.westhaddonprimary.net policies for parents to view.

Involving Other Agencies

The school uses Early Help Assessments (EHA) to access support from other agencies if necessary. The pastoral support assistant has been trained on how to run and manage an EHA. The Local Authority’s Education Inclusion Partnership Team is also used to gain access to other agencies.

Useful Contact Details

The Northamptonshire’s Parent Partnership Service is another useful website.  

West Northants SEND IASS

Supporting Transition

The school works hard on ensuring that there is a smooth transition both for the children joining the school and for those transferring to Secondary School. Meetings are held where each child is discussed in detail and necessary information is passed on. For the children joining the school at the beginning of Reception opportunities are provided for the whole cohort to spend sessions in the school in the summer term prior to them beginning in September. All classes have a transfer day in the summer term.

The Local Authority Offer

Details on this can be found here