Our Curriculum
Religious Education
We are proud to be a Church of England school, and see our close working relationships with the Diocese as a way to ensure we work together in meeting our aim of equipping every child with an outstanding education and the values and character to lead a full and positive life. The teaching of Religious Education, and the promotion of Christian Values in everything that we do, is a crucial part of this wider education.
Religious Education at West Haddon plays a fundamental role in realising our school vision: to ‘ensure that every child leaves our school with an outstanding education the values and character to live life in its fullness, contributing positively to society.’ It is intended that Religious Education, through developing children’s spiritual, moral and civic character, plays its part in preparing children to flourish in the complex world around them.
Teaching in Religious Education follows the agreed Northamptonshire syllabus (2018 – 2023) in combination with Diocesan guidance. The Agreed Syllabus provides a Christian basis for the curriculum, whilst also introducing children to many of the other religions in Modern Britain. Further depth and challenge in the understanding of Christianity is achieved through the use of teaching materials produced by the Church of England for use in schools. Opportunities are taken to broaden children’s knowledge and understanding through the regular use of visitors from a wide range of faiths, preparing children for their adult lives and interactions with others - nurturing attitudes such as understanding and promoting values such as respect.
Religious Education lessons provide opportunities for children to learn about a religion and to explore, reflect, interpret and question. To do this, there are two clear focuses for learning:
Learning about religion and belief
Enquiring into, investigating and understanding religions and beliefs. This includes thinking about and interpreting religious beliefs, teachings, sources, practices, ways of life and ways of expressing meaning with reference to the specific beliefs and religions studied.
Learning from religion and belief
Questioning, exploring, reflecting upon and interpreting human experience in the light of religions and beliefs studied. This includes communicating reflections, responses and evaluations about questions of identity, belonging, diversity, meaning, purpose, truth, values and commitments, making increasingly insightful links to the specific religions studied.
Alongside the Agreed Syllabus, core Christian Values are regularly taught. In these lessons, children study the value’s origins in the Bible, Jesus’ teaching, or by studying other sacred texts. Children consider how this guidance shapes the actions of Christians in the past and in the present. They reflect on how the guidance offered in a value might encourage them to ask and explore challenging questions, inspire an act of Courageous Advocacy or promote spiritual thinking. This learning is shared with the wider community in a special monthly Community Worship service held in the village church. As such, both Religious Education and Collective Worship take a leading role in establishing Christian values at the heart of everything the school does.
Please note that although the primary RE curriculum is a statutory requirement, parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. For further information please contact the school office.