Our Curriculum
At West Haddon Primary School we teach Phonics using the Read, Write, Inc programme. The is a systemic approach to the teaching of reading and it enables children to become accurate and speedy readers.
In Nursery, children take part in daily phonic activities using the resources from Phase One of Letters and Sounds, which includes environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, rhyming, body percussion, voice sounds, alliteration and moves on to oral blending and segmenting. Then moving on from Phase One the children will be taught following the Nursery Read Write Inc programme.
Throughout Reception and KS1, daily phonics teaching takes place to ensure that children develop a secure grounding in phonics knowledge upon which their future progress in English will be based. They will also be taught to use a bank of high frequency words, according to the relevant phonic phases. This teaching is based on the Read Write Inc programme and may be supplemented by other small group work or 1-1 interventions for children who require additional support. In KS2, whilst most children will have acquired strong phonics skills, others may need further 1 to 1 phonics support.