Our Curriculum
Personal Social and Health Education
At West Haddon Primary we are committed to developing children’s health and wellbeing. The PSHE curriculum supports the key aspects of our school vision: ‘to ensure that every child leaves school with an outstanding education’ and to ensure that children are able to ‘contribute positively to society.’ Our PSHE teaching sets out to enable children of all abilities regardless of their backgrounds to achieve and flourish in all areas of school life as confident and resilient individuals. It teaches children to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They are taught to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
Pupil Learning Outcomes
We want our children to feel safe and happy so that they can achieve and flourish as confident and resilient individuals, enabling them to:
- Develop self-esteem, self-awareness and understanding, confidence, independence and self-discipline.
- Develop the ability to reflect on and become responsible for their learning and behaviour.
- Be actively involved in the community.
- Develop their understanding of health and safety.
- Develop a healthy lifestyle and keep themselves and others safe
- Appreciate the need for cooperation and concern for others
- Be able to cope with difficult situations
- Actively use values learnt in their everyday life
Curriculum Map
We are delighted that West Haddon was accredited with ‘Jigsaw Flagship Status’ in January 2022! We have been successfully using the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work since 2016. Jigsaw PSHE is taught from Nursery to Year 6 and all classes have a Jigsaw soft toy friend who helps them during PSHE sessions.
Flagship status is not an ‘Award’; it is an ethos, a status, a recognition (plus a badge) which signals a professional partnership with Jigsaw PSHE Ltd.’
PSHE is taught weekly through the Jigsaw programme as a whole-school approach. The following topics are taught in each year group:
- Being Me in My World
- Celebrating Differences
- Dreams and Goals
- Healthy Me
- Relationships
- Changing Me
We teach Relationships and Sex Education in the context of the school’s aims and values framework, following the Jigsaw PSHE scheme. Please see our PSHE policy for more details.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
We are passionate about supporting children’s emotional needs and equipping children with tools that will support their mental health now and in the future. We have discussions about mental health in PSHE sessions and this is explored further during Children’s Mental Health Week in February. Mindfulness is promoted at the start of all PSHE sessions. All classes have a Worry Monster soft toy. Children are encouraged to draw or write any worries they may have and put it in the Worry Monster for their class teacher to see.