Our Curriculum
At West Haddon we believe that maths is essential to everyday life and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education provides a platform for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Our mathematics curriculum is designed to support the key aspects of our school vision: to ‘ensure that every child leaves our school with an outstanding education’ and to ensure children are able to ‘contribute positively to society’. This recognises how essential mathematics is to everyday life; its links and application in a range of real-life situations and subjects; and the importance of mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding for financial literacy and future employment. Our curriculum also promotes the sense of enjoyment and curiosity that is created by engaging fully with the subject.
The mathematics curriculum follows the 2014 National Curriculum for Mathematics and is designed to ensure that:
- children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics;
- children develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately;
- children reason mathematically and use mathematical language;
- children solve problems routine and non-routine problems;
- children persevere in seeking solutions.
This is achieved through arithmetic lessons that focus on developing fluency in key mathematical skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and in reasoning lessons where children apply these key skills in a range of real life situations and problems.
It is intended that the majority of children will move through the mathematics curriculum (as defined by the programmes of study) at broadly the same pace. Children who grasp concepts rapidly will be challenged through being offered breadth and depth in their curriculum. Children who are not sufficiently fluent, either through a lack of experience or a recognised need, will have adaptations to the curriculum to meet their needs.
Curriculum Map for Mathematics
The mathematics curriculum broadly aligns with the White Rose schemes for learning (https://whiterosemaths.com/new-schemes), 2022 - 2023. Time is built into the start of each term to address significant gaps as identified in end-of-term assessments (key areas), and for consolidation as identified through ongoing formative assessment over the term, if required. Timings can be modified to address a significant weakness in a cohort, e.g. assessments identify a weakness in fractions and a strength in addition, meaning more focus can be given to fractions for that term with time on addition condensed to cover essential elements.
Early Years Overview
Autumn term |
Getting to know children |
Maths and sort Compare amounts Compare size, mass and capacity Exploring pattern |
Representing, comparing composition of numbers (1,2,3 and beyond) Circles and triangles |
Representing numbers (to 5 and beyond) One more or less Shapes with 4 sides Time |
Spring term |
Introducing 0 Comparing numbers (to 5 and beyond) Composition of numbers (4 & 5 and beyond) Compare mass Compare capacity |
Numbers 6, 7, 8 and beyond Comparing two amounts Making pairs Length and height Time |
Numbers 9 & 10 and beyond 3D shapes Spatial awareness Patterns |
Summer term |
Numbers to 20 and beyond Count patterns beyond 10 Spatial reasoning Match, rotate, manipulate |
First, then, now Adding more Spatial reasoning Compose and decompose |
Doubling Sharing and grouping Even and odd Spatial reasoning Visualise and build |
Deepening understanding Patterns and relationships Spatial mapping Mapping
Year 1 Overview
Autumn term |
Key areas |
Place value |
Addition and subtraction |
Shape |
Consolidation |
Spring term |
Key areas |
Place value |
Addition and subtraction |
Place value |
Length and height |
Mass and volume |
Consolidation |
Summer term |
Key areas |
Multiplication and division |
Fractions |
Position and direction |
Place value |
Money |
Time |
Consolidation |
Year 2 Overview
Autumn term |
Key areas |
Place value |
Addition and subtraction |
Shape |
Consolidation |
Spring term |
Key areas |
Money |
Multiplication and division |
Length and height |
Mass, capacity and temperature |
Consolidation |
Summer term |
Key areas |
Fractions |
Time |
Statistics |
Position and direction |
Consolidation |
Year 3 Overview
Autumn term |
Key areas |
Place value |
Addition and subtraction |
Multiplication and division |
Consolidation |
Spring term |
Key areas |
Multiplication and division |
Length and perimeter |
Fractions |
Mass and capacity |
Consolidation |
Summer term |
Key areas |
Fractions |
Money |
Time |
Shape |
Statistics |
Consolidation |
Year 4 Overview
Autumn term |
Key areas |
Place value |
Addition and subtraction |
Area |
Multiplication and division |
Consolidation |
Spring term |
Key areas |
Multiplication and division |
Length and perimeter |
Fractions |
Decimals |
Consolidation |
Summer term |
Key areas |
Decimals |
Money |
Time |
Shape |
Statistics |
Position and direction |
Consolidation |
Year 5 Overview
Autumn term |
Key areas |
Place value |
Addition and subtraction |
Multiplication and division |
Fractions |
Consolidation |
Spring term |
Key areas |
Multiplication and division |
Fractions |
Decimals and percentages |
Perimeter and area |
Statistics |
Consolidation |
Summer term |
Key areas |
Shape |
Position and direction |
Decimals |
Negative numbers |
Converting units |
Volume |
Consolidation |
Year 6 Overview
Autumn term |
Key areas |
Place value |
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division |
Fractions |
Converting units |
Consolidation |
Spring term |
Key areas |
Ratio |
Algebra |
Decimals |
Fractions, decimals and percentages |
Area, perimeter and volume |
Statistics |
Consolidation |
Summer term |
Key areas |
Shape |
Position and direction |
Consolidation and problem solving |
Preparation for year 7 |