Our Curriculum
Art and Design Technology
Design and Technology
At West Haddon, we use the KAPOW combined Design & Technology Scheme of Work. The scheme was chosen as it meets National Curriculum aims for Art & Design through the following 5 strands:
- Designing
- Making
- Evaluating
- Technical Knowledge
- Cooking & Nutrition
These strands are taught through the following areas of electrical systems, structures, textiles, digital world, mechanisms & mechanical systems and cooking & nutrition. The scheme gives the children the opportunity to become familiar with a wide range of designers and materials and ensures that skills are taught progressively throughout the year groups.
The children’s DT books are used for the pupils to record their observations and to review and revisit ideas. The children use their books to record their research and developmental process and to keep a record of their final products and evaluations. DT is taught for one hour per week, alternatively with Art & Design every other term. The children are given the opportunity to be able to pursue their own individual ideas for their final product.
Art and Design Technology
At West Haddon, we use the KAPOW combined Art & DT Scheme of Work. The scheme was chosen as it meets National Curriculum aims for Art & Design through the following 5 strands:
- Generating ideas
- Using sketchbooks
- Making Skills (Including formal elements)
- Knowledge of artists
- Evaluating & analysing
These strands are taught through drawing, painting & mixed media, sculpture & 3D and craft & design. The scheme gives the children the opportunity to become familiar with a wide range of historical artists and styles and ensures that skills are taught progressively throughout the year groups.
Art & Design is taught for one hour per week, alternatively with DT every other term. Sketchbooks are used for the pupils to record their observations and to review and revisit ideas. The children’s sketchbooks allow the children the opportunity to record their developmental process as well as their final images. Children are given the opportunity to pursue their own individual ideas for their final image as part of this process.