Nursery and Wrap
Our Nursery
We are very proud of our Nursery School which follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), a principle-led, child-centred and play-based framework. Our approach is guided by the effective characteristics of learning outlined in the EYFS: These characteristics help to shape children’s future success as a learner.
Click here for more information
Our purposed built nursery, is set within the grounds of West Haddon Primary School, at the heart of our lovely village.
In February 2017 the management of the nursery was taken over by the School in order to provide continuous learning provision from 2-11. Our Nursery works closely with our Reception in order to provide a seamless learning journey.
We are constantly thinking about the ways in which young children learn, what the children in our Nursery are interested in and adapt our areas of provision accordingly.
As part of the EYFS curriculum, the outdoor area with be available to children throughout the year and in all weathers.
During the year your child will be exploring, experimenting and investigating the world around them. We will therefore be using a variety of materials such as paint, sand, water, mud etc. and having lots of fun along the way which could get messy!
Reading - Children will develop their early reading skills through sharing stories, songs and rhymes. They will build their speaking and listening skills during their play, focused tasks and carpet time sessions. The learning environment provides opportunities for the children to be immersed in a language rich environment. Daily stories are read to the children.
Writing - Children in Nursery have lots of opportunities to develop their writing skills through mark making activities. They also develop their gross and fine motor skills through focused activities as well as the continuous provision. Children participate in a daily motor skills programme called "Wiggle While You Squiggle".
Phonics - Nursery children begin learning phonics by listening to music, rhymes and playing instruments which helps to develop listening skills, this is then followed by learning their "single sounds" in preparation for Reception through the Nursery Read Write Inc programme.
Maths - Children in Nursery develop their early mathematical skills through numerous activities including recognising numbers, counting and exploring shapes within the environment.
Children in Nursery usually attend our community worship once a month at our local Church, where we celebrate the "Value of the Month" or other significant events.
To find out more about our Nursery please download a copy of our prospectus below.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.